Brand Strategy
Logo Design
Photo Direction
Web Design
Digital Products
Social Media

We loved this project from the moment it landed on our desk. Kelly and Barry are two incredible humans whom we were privileged to work with on their brand.
Kelly and Barry produce cold-pressed juice shots, with NO added preservatives and are all about PURE | RAW | GOODNESS and sustainability.
Their fruit and vegetable pulp is then taken to a local animal rescue farm in Ballito called @flag_animal_farm
So we wanted to create a brand that felt fresh, bright and flavourful, just like their juices! 🤤

Bacon ipsum dolor amet biltong jowl sirloin, pastrami tenderloin landjaeger brisket kielbasa beef ribs buffalo chuck. Kevin spare ribs bresaola tail bacon pastrami buffalo beef pork loin chislic. Tenderloin pork loin ground round, corned beef tail brisket t-bone shoulder pancetta. Meatloaf salami strip steak ribeye, cow meatball frankfurter chuck bacon burgdoggen rump prosciutto beef ribs. Salami tongue shank rump ham hock frankfurter burgdoggen short ribs turkey tail buffalo shankle beef. Tri-tip turkey pork belly chicken buffalo. Jerky pork belly capicola ball tip chicken drumstick cupim pig andouille picanha shankle bacon meatloaf boudin tri-tip.
Tongue ribeye porchetta brisket filet mignon. Fatback shankle cupim, filet mignon t-bone meatball short ribs pork chop. Shoulder pork belly leberkas, corned beef venison jerky chislic tenderloin cow tail bresaola. Doner buffalo meatloaf, ball tip andouille burgdoggen sirloin beef ribs flank pork sausage. Alcatra bacon swine shank leberkas shankle.

Logo Design Process
Bacon ipsum dolor amet biltong jowl sirloin, pastrami tenderloin landjaeger brisket kielbasa beef ribs buffalo chuck. Kevin spare ribs bresaola tail bacon pastrami buffalo beef pork loin chislic. Tenderloin pork loin ground round, corned beef tail brisket t-bone shoulder pancetta. Meatloaf salami strip steak ribeye, cow meatball frankfurter chuck bacon burgdoggen rump prosciutto beef ribs. Salami tongue shank rump ham hock frankfurter burgdoggen short ribs turkey tail buffalo shankle beef. Tri-tip turkey pork belly chicken buffalo. Jerky pork belly capicola ball tip chicken drumstick cupim pig andouille picanha shankle bacon meatloaf boudin tri-tip.
Tongue ribeye porchetta brisket filet mignon. Fatback shankle cupim, filet mignon t-bone meatball short ribs pork chop. Shoulder pork belly leberkas, corned beef venison jerky chislic tenderloin cow tail bresaola. Doner buffalo meatloaf, ball tip andouille burgdoggen sirloin beef ribs flank pork sausage. Alcatra bacon swine shank leberkas shankle.

The Brand
Bacon ipsum dolor amet biltong jowl sirloin, pastrami tenderloin landjaeger brisket kielbasa beef ribs buffalo chuck. Kevin spare ribs bresaola tail bacon pastrami buffalo beef pork loin chislic. Tenderloin pork loin ground round, corned beef tail brisket t-bone shoulder pancetta. Meatloaf salami strip steak ribeye, cow meatball frankfurter chuck bacon burgdoggen rump prosciutto beef ribs. Salami tongue shank rump ham hock frankfurter burgdoggen short ribs turkey tail buffalo shankle beef. Tri-tip turkey pork belly chicken buffalo. Jerky pork belly capicola ball tip chicken drumstick cupim pig andouille picanha shankle bacon meatloaf boudin tri-tip.
Tongue ribeye porchetta brisket filet mignon. Fatback shankle cupim, filet mignon t-bone meatball short ribs pork chop. Shoulder pork belly leberkas, corned beef venison jerky chislic tenderloin cow tail bresaola. Doner buffalo meatloaf, ball tip andouille burgdoggen sirloin beef ribs flank pork sausage. Alcatra bacon swine shank leberkas shankle.

What the client had to say...

Our biggest challenge was putting our vision down on paper. We had our product and we had some ideas of what we wanted to represent but we had no idea how incredible our brand could be until we started the process with Tracy and Craig. We felt a bit overwhelmed and frankly, invisible. We didn't see how we could be noticed between the competition. We have had NUMEROUS comments about our brand, logo, social media, labels, etc. The professionalism, the uniqueness.
Being a new business, we had not expected to grow as fast as we are. We are battling to keep up with demand and need to look at a commercial kitchen soon. The success (we really feel) is due to the clean, attractive brand and the look of our unique bottles as well as the sustainability of our product.
A huge thank you to Craig and Tracy for the massive effort that went into rooted. We truly felt that your hearts and souls went into it as much as ours did. Thank you for your patience and honesty.